The Reformed Block Network

The Reformed Block is an urban podcasting community and collective of brothers united under a common purpose: to see the kingdom of Christ influence every aspect of life for the good of man and the glory of God.

El Boletín Reformado: “El Boletín Reformado busca aportar a la carencia de material y recursos de teología reformada en español por medio de compartir enlaces a vídeos, artículos, noticias, enseñanzas y otras ponencias por parte de predicadores o autores reformados para la gloria de Dios y la edificación de los santos que comparten la fe reformada en su propio idioma, para vivir todos los aspectos de la vida (cosmovisión) en conformidad con la fe reformada, la cual es otra forma de decir la fe cristiana.”

For Christ Y Cultura: “A fun-yet-chill living room-like convo between 3 Latinos and the world. Every episode we flesh out Christianity, Cultura, and entertainment from a Latino perspective. With a grand finale that aims to leave the listener with a chewable connection between theology and day-to-day living. We call it theology for your back pocket! Come sit y tómate un cafecito with Sway, Jonathan & Caro and join the conversation!”

Kingdom Polemics: “Kingdoms Polemics seeks to recapture the comprehensive and optimistic Kingdom theology of the Westminister standards with clarity, conviction, and confrontation. Kingdom Polemics is seeking to advance a spirituality that is gospel, worship, and church-entric and yet creational, institutional, civil and familial connected.”

The Proverbial Life: “Welcome to The Proverbial Life. A Podcast that encourages Christians to look to Christ, live wisely, and leave a legacy behind for generations to follow.”

Saints Edified: “Saints Edified is an independent online ministry founded by Arturo Hurtado. It’s purpose is to it build up Christians by providing resources for spiritual growth, encouragement and to reach the non-believing world.”

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  • Man-Made Hymns and Our Unity and Holiness
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on September 6, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    In this compelling episode of Kingdom Polemics, host Aldo Leon dives deep into the spiritual significance of hymns and songs in Christian worship by rebroadcasting a sermon he delivered at Pinelands Presbyterian Church. Through a profound exploration of Scripture, Aldo draws attention to the crucial role that God’s inspired words play in shaping both personal holiness and communal unity. Using Hezekiah’s reform in 2 Chronicles as a foundational text, he explains how the revival of biblical temple worship, with its emphasis on Psalms, mirrors the need for today’s church to return to the pure, God-given form of worship, untouched by human innovation.Key Points:Hezekiah’s Reform and Worship: Aldo emphasizes how King Hezekiah’s revival centered on restoring temple worship by aligning it with God’s commands, using the Levites and inspired songs.Psalms as a Means of Reformation: The episode unpacks the history of how Psalms have been pivotal in spiritual revivals, from the early church to the Reformation, and how their removal stifles the church’s vitality today.Unity through Psalms: By singing God’s words, Christians across ages, cultures, and denominations can be unified in one voice, while man-made hymns often cause division.Holiness and the Severity of Sin: The Psalms do not shy away from the severity of sin and the necessity for holiness. Aldo explains how singing Psalms leads believers to a balanced and biblical view of sin, grace, and God’s justice.Spiritual Nourishment: Drawing an analogy to processed foods, Aldo compares modern worship songs to spiritual junk food that, while seemingly beneficial, leads to spiritual malnourishment over time.Support Kingdom Polemics and be a part of the movement to restore biblical worship by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page ( You can also join the conversation and leave your thoughts on our YouTube page ( Every contribution helps further the discussion on faith, worship, and the glory of God.

  • My Concerns with the PCA
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on August 29, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Aldo Leon joins his close friend and fellow pastor, George Sayour, on a rebroadcast of George’s Podcast, The Reformed Churchman, to delve into pressing concerns within the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Aldo candidly discusses the challenges he faces, both personally and within the broader Reformed community, as he navigates controversial theological positions. This episode offers deep insights into Aldo’s journey, addressing questions and misunderstandings about his stance on key issues like eschatology, the establishment principle, and the role of psalm singing in worship.Episode HighlightsAldo’s Theological Journey: Aldo reflects on how his views have evolved over time, particularly in response to recent events and the feedback he has received from the PCA community.Controversial Theological Positions: The episode covers the pushback Aldo has received on several fronts, including his optimistic eschatology, the establishment principle, and his advocacy for exclusive psalmody.Christian Nationalism Concerns: The hosts discuss the rising concern about Christian nationalism and how Aldo’s views are often misunderstood or misrepresented in this context.Radical Two Kingdoms (R2K) Theology: Aldo offers a robust critique of R2K theology, explaining its dangers and its impact on Christian life and the church’s mission.Impact of Theological Shifts: Aldo shares how major societal events like the COVID-19 pandemic have influenced his theological reassessment and led to significant shifts in his thinking.Psalm Singing in Worship: The conversation turns to the importance of psalm singing in worship, with Aldo advocating for its inclusion in every PCA church’s worship practice.ReferencesBook mentioned by Aldo Leon at 01:20:06: “Honor Thy Fathers: Recovering the Anti-Feminist Theology of the Reformers”, by Zachary Garris ( Enjoyed this episode? Support Kingdom Polemics by buying Aldo a coffee through our Buy Me A Coffee page ( Your support helps keep the content coming! Don’t forget to join the conversation by leaving your comments on the Kingdom Polemics YouTube page ( Let us know your thoughts, questions, and insights from this episode!

  • Preaching Exclusive Psalmody
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on August 24, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    In this insightful episode of Kingdom Polemics, host Aldo Leon provides a rebroadcast of a sermon delivered at Pinelands Presbyterian church. He delves into the rich and often debated practice of exclusive Psalm singing in Christian worship. Aldo guides us through a thought-provoking discussion on why the Psalms hold a unique place in the life of the church, not just as historical hymns but as the inspired words of Christ Himself. Drawing from scripture, early church teachings, and a deep theological perspective, this episode challenges modern hymnody and calls for a return to the timeless and Christo-centric tradition of singing the Psalms.Episode Highlights:Biblical Foundation for Psalm Singing: Explore the scriptural basis for the exclusive use of Psalms in worship, emphasizing their divine inspiration and prophetic nature.Christo-centric Nature of the Psalms: Discover how the Psalms are not just about Christ but are His very words, revealing His experiences and ministry.Historical Context: Learn about the early church’s commitment to Psalm singing, with references to influential figures like Augustine and Athanasius.Contrast with Modern Hymns: Understand the theological argument for favoring Psalms over modern hymns, highlighting the former’s superiority in conveying biblical truth.Call to Action: Aldo urges the church to return to the practice of Psalm singing, aligning with the historical and biblical traditions of Christian worship.Support Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page ( Your contributions help us continue producing thoughtful and impactful content. Don’t forget to leave your comments and join the discussion on our YouTube channel ( We appreciate your feedback and support!

  • Teaching: Proverbs 21
    by Edwin Ramirez on August 21, 2024 at 11:35 am

    Verse-by-verse teaching on Proverbs 21 — Support this podcast:

  • Teaching on Proverbs 20
    by Edwin Ramirez on August 21, 2024 at 11:30 am

    Teaching on Proverbs 20 — Support this podcast:

  • The Pope Is That Antichrist
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on August 19, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    In this revealing episode of Kingdom Polemics, host Aldo Leon is joined by Gavin Beers, a Pastor from the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), to delve deep into a cornerstone of Reformed Protestant theology—the identification of the Pope as the Antichrist. With Gavin’s insights and Aldo’s theological rigor, the conversation explores how this belief has been rooted in the teachings of key Reformers like Calvin and Luther and codified in confessional standards such as the Westminster Confession. Whether you are familiar with these doctrines or hearing them for the first time, this episode challenges listeners to critically examine long-standing theological convictions.Highlights:Historical Reformed Perspective: Aldo and Gavin discuss the longstanding tradition within Reformed Protestantism that views the Pope as the Antichrist, tracing this belief back to figures like Calvin and Luther, who articulated this position based on their interpretation of Scripture and the religious climate of their times.Biblical Interpretation: The episode breaks down specific biblical passages from Revelation and Thessalonians, explaining how these scriptures have been historically understood to describe the characteristics of the Papacy as fulfilling the role of the Antichrist.Confessional Standards: The discussion references the Westminster Confession, particularly Chapter 25, to underscore the theological argument that the Papacy, through its doctrines and practices, directly opposes the offices of Christ and thus fits the description of the Antichrist.Enjoying the content on Kingdom Polemics? You can support the podcast by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page ( Your support helps us continue bringing you challenging and insightful discussions. Don’t forget to leave your thoughts and comments on our YouTube page (

  • Westminster 21:5 Means Psalms Only
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on August 15, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    In this insightful episode of Kingdom Polemics, host Aldo Leon delves into a critical analysis of the Westminster Confession of Faith and its implications for worship in the Reformed tradition. Through a detailed exploration, Aldo examines the historic and theological basis for exclusive psalmody, a practice that many Reformed churches have adhered to since the 17th century. This episode challenges listeners to reconsider the significance of the Psalms in corporate worship and what it truly means to align with the Westminster standards.Highlights:The Historical Context of the Westminster Confession: Aldo discusses the origins of the Westminster Confession and its influence on Reformed worship practices, emphasizing the importance of understanding the historical backdrop.Exclusive Psalmody Explained: A deep dive into the theological reasoning behind singing only the Psalms in church, as outlined by the Westminster Confession. The discussion includes a comparison with modern worship practices.Implications for Modern Reformed Churches: The episode explores the relevance of exclusive psalmody in today’s context and whether modern Reformed churches are adhering to or deviating from this tradition.Critiques and Counterarguments: Aldo addresses common objections to exclusive psalmody and provides counterarguments rooted in Reformed theology and scripture.Practical Applications: Suggestions for how churches and believers can re-incorporate psalmody into their worship in a meaningful and theologically sound manner.References:This is the article mentioned in the podcast written by Matthew Winzor regarding Nick Needham’s article on RPW, EP and Instruments: you found this episode insightful, consider supporting Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page ( Your support helps us continue producing content that challenges and edifies the Reformed community. Additionally, we’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a comment on our YouTube page ( and join the conversation.

  • CREC Defends Heretical FV
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on August 12, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    In this thoughtful episode of Kingdom Polemics, host Aldo Leon delves into the contentious topic of Federal Vision theology, engaging with the perspectives of prominent figures like Doug Wilson and Steve Lusk. Interacting with a video from Reformation Red Pill (, Aldo critically examines their arguments, shedding light on the implications of their theological positions and the broader impact on Reformed orthodoxy. This episode is a follow-up to a previous discussion, aiming to provide a deeper understanding of the theological nuances and implications of Federal Vision.Summary of Highlights:Aldo Leon opens the discussion by addressing the recent defense of Federal Vision theology by Doug Wilson and Steve Lusk, emphasizing the need for critical engagement with their views.The episode features a detailed critique of Lusk’s theological assertions, particularly regarding the nature of God’s law and the concept of righteousness.Aldo references the 2003 Max Colloquium, where Lusk presented intriguing ideas that challenge traditional interpretations within Reformed circles.Aldo explains the history and nuances of Reformed covenant theology, arguing that the Federal Vision distorts the essential distinctions between the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace. He warns that such distortions can lead to a theological misunderstanding that undermines the core tenets of the gospel.This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the ongoing debates within Reformed circles about the implications of Federal Vision theology. Leon’s passionate defense of traditional Reformed doctrine serves as both a caution and a call to clarity for believers navigating these complex theological waters.If you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, consider visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page at Your support helps us continue producing quality content and engaging discussions. We also invite you to leave your thoughts and comments on our YouTube page at Join the conversation and let us know what you think!

  • The Regulative Principle of Worship
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on August 8, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, host Aldo Leon rebroadcasts a catechism session that he held at Pinelands Prebyterian Church in Cutler Bay, FL. In it, he delves into the Regulative Principle of Worship, exploring its significance within the Westminster Confession of Faith. Aldo discusses how worship should be conducted according to God’s revealed will, emphasizing the importance of adhering to scriptural prescriptions rather than human inventions.Catechism Highlights:Introduction to the Regulative Principle: Understanding worship as instituted by God and limited by His revealed will.Connection to Christian Liberty: How worship ties into the concept of Christian liberty and freedom of conscience.Historical Context: Insights from the Westminster Confession and contributions from theologians like Samuel Rutherford.Practical Implications: The importance of scriptural adherence in worship practices and the dangers of man-made innovations.Support Kingdom Polemics by visiting their Buy Me A Coffee page ( Your contributions help keep the podcast running and allow for more in-depth discussions on important theological topics. Don’t forget to leave your comments and feedback on our YouTube page (

  • Third Use of the Law: The Principal Use for the Saints
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on August 5, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, host Aldo Leon delves into the profound topic of the Law of God as outlined in the Westminster Standards. Aldo explores the significance of the Law in the life of believers, emphasizing its role as a guide for righteous living. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of how the Law and the Gospel harmoniously coexist in the Christian faith.Summary of Highlights:The Importance of God’s Law: Aldo discusses why understanding God’s Law is crucial for contemporary Christians, particularly in America.Westminster 19.6: An in-depth look at the third use of the Law, which serves as a guide for believers on how to live their lives post-salvation.Calvin’s Influence: Insights from John Calvin on the third use of the Law and its application to the lives of believers.Practical Application: How the Law of God functions to convict, correct, and guide Christians, emphasizing the balance between grace and obedience.Support Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy me a Coffee page ( Your contributions help keep the podcast running and allow for more insightful episodes. Don’t forget to leave your comments and feedback on our YouTube page (

  • Wilson Confesses and Defends FV
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on July 29, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Welcome to another video interaction episode of Kingdom Polemics. In this episode, Aldo dives deep into the controversial topic of Federal Vision (FV) theology, focusing on Doug Wilson and the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC). Aldo addresses the ongoing debates and clarifies misconceptions surrounding FV theology, providing a critical analysis of its proponents and their interpretations of key theological concepts.Some Highlights:Federal Vision Theology: Aldo discusses the core tenets of FV theology, including its views on baptism, regeneration, and union with Christ. He examines how these views align or conflict with traditional Reformed theology.Doug Wilson’s Stance: The episode features a detailed analysis of Doug Wilson’s defense of FV theology, including his interactions with other theologians like Rich Lusk.Calvin’s Influence: Aldo explores how proponents of FV theology interpret Calvin’s writings, particularly on baptism and the sacraments, and contrasts these interpretations with mainstream Reformed views.Theological Implications: The discussion delves into the broader implications of FV theology for the Reformed community, including debates on the objectivity of the covenant and the role of faith in salvation.If you enjoyed this episode and want to support Kingdom Polemics, consider buying us a coffee at Your support helps us continue to bring you insightful and engaging content. Don’t forget to leave your comments and join the discussion on our We value your feedback and look forward to hearing from you!

  • Westminster Rejects Republication
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on July 17, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, host Aldo Leon revisits the topic of republication with a fresh perspective. He delves into the nuances of the Mosaic covenant, exploring various views within the Westminster standards and addressing common misconceptions. Pastor Aldo aims to clarify whether republication is a consensus view represented in the Westminster standards, drawing insights from notable theologians like Burgess, Calvin and Sedgwick.Highlights:Different Views on the Mosaic Covenant: Pastor Aldo discusses the four main views of the Mosaic covenant: covenant of works, covenant of grace, mixed covenant, and subservient covenant.Westminster Standards: An in-depth look at how the Westminster standards interpret the Mosaic covenant, emphasizing it as a covenant of grace.Theological Implications: The episode explores the theological problems related to the republication debate and its impact on the church.Historical Perspectives: Insights from historical figures and theologians, including Thomas Boston and John Owen, Calvin, and Burgess on the interpretation of the Mosaic covenant.Support Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me a Coffee page ( Your contributions help keep the podcast running and bring more insightful content. Don’t forget to leave your comments and feedback on Kingdom Polemics’ YouTube page ( Your engagement is greatly appreciated!

  • Presbyterian Fallacies as Facts
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on July 15, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, Pastor Aldo Leon delves into the misconceptions and fallacies within Presbyterian theology that are often presented as facts. He discusses the importance of understanding the true nature of theological discussions and how they impact both ecclesiastical and civil spheres.HighlightsBook Recommendations: Pastor Aldo shares his current readings (see below)Presbyterian Fallacies A deep dive into common misconceptions in Presbyterian theology, such as the relationship between national politics and sociological issues, and the distinction between first and second table issues.Role of Civil Magistrates: Discussion on the responsibilities of civil magistrates in upholding both civil and spiritual matters according to the Westminster Standards.Establishmentarianism: Examination of the establishment principle and its implications for the relationship between church and state.Temporal Power: Addressing the use of temporal power for Christian ends and its alignment with Christian doctrine.Books MentionedGod’s Covenants: the Myster and Marrow of the Bible, Francis Roberts ( Minutes and Papers of the Westminster Assembly, 1643-1653 ( Divorce of Israel, Kenneth L Gentry, Jr. ( Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page ( Don’t forget to leave your comments and engage with the community on our YouTube page ( Your support and feedback are greatly appreciated!

  • Reformed Not Recon or R2K on General Equity
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on June 27, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    In this episode of Kingdom Polemics, host Aldo Leon delves into the intricate discussions surrounding Reformed theology and its practical implications in today’s society. Listen in as KP engages in a deep analysis of the PCA General Assembly’s decision to invite David French to speak, sparking conversations about Christian nationalism, theocracy, and the application of biblical law in civil society. Pastor Aldo, takes this occasion to further elucidate what the Divines actually meant when they used the term, “General Equity.” Here are some highlights from the episode:General Equity Debate: Pastor Aldo explores the concept of general equity, examining its historical context within the Westminster Confession and its relevance to modern civil liberties and law.Judicial Laws: The discussion includes an examination of the judicial laws given to Israel, their expiration, and how general equity may still apply to contemporary society.Theonomy vs. R2K: A critical look at the differences between Theonomy and the R2K (Radical Two-Kingdom) theology, focusing on their interpretations of biblical law.Civil and Moral Law: KP discusses the permanence of moral law and its distinction from ceremonial and judicial laws, emphasizing the importance of understanding these distinctions in the Reformed tradition.Support the insightful conversations on Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page ( to keep the discussions alive and brewing. Engage with KP and the community by leaving your thoughts and comments on our YouTube page ( Your contributions and interactions are invaluable as we continue to navigate the complexities of faith and practice.

  • Objections to Exclusive Psalmody
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on June 19, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Welcome to another gripping episode of Kingdom Polemics, where host Aldo Leon discusses all the objections to exclusive Psalmody (EP). Joined by guests Kyle Borg, Shawn Anderson, and Nathan Eshelman, this episode promises to unravel the complexities and address common objections to this practice within the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Our guests have their own podcast called The Jerusalem Chamber where they are discussing the Westminster Confession of Faith. Have a listen and learn more about these men on their podcast website: highlights:Exclusive Psalmody Debate: The conversation revolves around the exclusive use of Psalms in worship and the biblical principle behind it.Denominational Insights: The guests share insights from their experiences within the RPCNA and other NAPARC churches, discussing variations in worship practices.Historical Context: The discussion touches on the historical debate between reformers like Calvin and Luther regarding worship practices.Regulative Principle: The regulative principle of worship is explored, emphasizing the importance of adhering to God’s instructions for worship.Contemporary Relevance: The episode examines the relevance of exclusive Psalmody in today’s cultural and societal context.Just a few of the objections explored:Jesus is not mentioned in the PsalmsBible says sing a new songWe add tunes to the PsalmsWe’re singing translations, not the real PsalmsSupport the enriching discussions at Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page: ( to show your appreciation. Engage with the community and share your thoughts by leaving comments on KP’s YouTube page ( Your contributions help sustain these important conversations.

  • Westminster Eschatology: Historicism
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on June 5, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Welcome to a new episode of Kingdom Polemics on eschatology, where host Aldo Leon delves into the depths of eschatology with a fresh perspective. In this episode, Aldo engages with the historicist view of end times, a topic that has been a subject of debate among theologians for centuries. Join us as we explore the intricate beliefs of the Puritans and how their optimistic outlook on eschatology differs from contemporary interpretations. Aldo is joined by Drew Poplin, associate pastor of First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Durham (, a Historicist.Some Highlights:Historicist Hermeneutics: Aldo discusses the historicist approach to interpreting the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel, emphasizing its correlation with actual historical events.Progressive Unfolding: The conversation explores the idea that the events foretold in Revelation represent a progressive unfolding of world history concerning the visible church from Christ’s ascension to His return.Mediatorial Kingship of Christ: A key point of discussion is the victorious mediatorial kingship of Christ and how it is reflected in the success of the gospel across nations.Westminster Eschatology: The episode touches on the Westminster standards and how historicism relates to the eschatological views of the divines.Support the enlightening discussions on Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page ( to show your appreciation. Engage with the community and share your thoughts on KP’s YouTube page ( Your support and interaction fuel the fire of these kingdom polemics!

  • S2 E9: Romanos 13:8-14
    by El Boletín Reformado on June 3, 2024 at 4:26 pm

    Recientemente tuve el privilegio de iniciar un estudio del capítulo trece de Romanos (versículos 8-14) con los hermanos de la Iglesia Reformada Valle de Gracia en Shafter, California ( Asegúrense de visitar su sitio web que está lleno de traducciones de artículos teológicos de calidad, y también su canal de YouTube (⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠y página de Facebook (⁠⁠⁠⁠

  • Covenant Theology Means Psalms Only
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on May 27, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Welcome to the insightful world of Kingdom Polemics, where theological discussions delve into the depths of covenant theology and its implications for church practices. In this episode, our host Aldo Leon continues the compelling dialogue on exclusive Psalmody, exploring the rich tradition of singing psalms in worship and its alignment with scriptural teachings. Join us as we navigate through historical, confessional, and pastoral perspectives, affirming the continuity of God’s covenant of grace.Episode Highlights:Exclusive Psalmody: A case for singing only psalms in church, supported by Old and New Testament scriptures.Covenant Theology: Discusses the one covenant of grace throughout the Bible and its consistency with exclusive Psalmody.Theological Arguments: Addresses the use of Psalms in the New Testament to preach and teach about Christ.Historical Perspective: Explores the role of Psalms in early church debates against heresies and their enduring relevance.Engage with the conversation and support Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page ( to show your appreciation. For a more interactive experience, leave your thoughts and comments on KP’s YouTube page ( Your participation helps fuel these important theological discussions. Let’s continue to explore the kingdom together!

  • The Psalms and Psalms Only
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on May 18, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Welcome to another polemical episode of Kingdom Polemics, where we delve into the rich traditions and practices of church music. In this episode, our host, Pastor Aldo Leon, takes us on a solitary journey through the history and theology of Psalm singing within the church. With a focus on the exclusive use of Psalms in worship, Pastor Leon shares his personal transition and the church’s shift towards Psalmody, exploring the biblical foundations and historical consistency of this practice. Here are some highlights:The Shift to Psalm Singing: Pastor Leon recounts his initial hesitation and eventual conviction for the exclusive singing of Psalms in church services, detailing the transition from a mix of hymns to a Psalm-centric approach.Biblical Case for Exclusive Psalmody: The episode dives deep into the nature of church power, the regulative principle of worship (RPW), and the scriptural mandate for Psalm singing, as outlined in the Westminster Confession.Historical Consistency: A look at the Apostolic and Catholic traditions across centuries, affirming the consistent practice of Psalm singing in different churches and countries.The Nature of Church Power: Discussion on the ministerial and declarative nature of church power, emphasizing that worship should be regulated strictly by scriptural prescription.Revival Through Psalmody: Pastor Leon argues that the revival of true worship is linked to the restoration of Psalm singing, drawing parallels with biblical instances of spiritual renewal.Pastor Aldo discusses objections to exclusive Psalmody, for example he cites Ephesians 5:18’s reference to “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” as misunderstood evidence for using varied worship songs.Join the conversation and support the enriching discussions of Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee ( page to show your appreciation. Your contributions help sustain these insightful explorations into the depths of church tradition and practice. Additionally, engage with the community and share your thoughts by leaving comments on our Kingdom Polemics’ YouTube channel ( Let’s keep the dialogue going and foster a deeper understanding of our faith together.

  • The Spirituality of the Church?
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on May 10, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Welcome to this episode of Kingdom Polemics, where host, Aldo Leon, and guest, George Sayour, engage in a thought-provoking discussion on the intersection of church and state, particularly focusing on the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)’s stance on societal issues. Dive into the intricacies of ecclesiastical matters, the spirituality of the church, and the role of the church in civil affairs. Today, The host and guest plan to review a Presbycast YouTube episode entitled, “The Spirituality of the Church” featuring Dr. T. David Gordon and found at this address: & Discussion Points:Kingdom Polemics’ Mission: The podcast continues its tradition of tackling challenging theological topics and providing a platform for critical analysis and dialogue.Book Announcement: Aldo Leon shares exciting news about his upcoming book on the Civil Magistrate, hinting at its imminent release.Spirituality of the Church: The episode delves into the PCA’s recent overture to address civil government actions and their impact on the church’s ministry, with insights from Dr. T David Gordon.Church-State Dynamics: A deep dive into the debate surrounding the church’s role in speaking out on societal issues, such as gender reassignment surgeries and the protection of image bearers.Support the insightful conversations on Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page ( to contribute financially. Your support helps enhance the podcast’s quality and reach. Additionally, join the community discussion and share your thoughts on KP’s YouTube page ( Engage with the content, leave comments, and become part of the conversation.

  • S2 E8: Romanos 13:1-7
    by El Boletín Reformado on May 6, 2024 at 4:36 pm

    Recientemente tuve el privilegio de iniciar un estudio del capítulo trece de Romanos (versículos 1-7) con los hermanos de la Iglesia Reformada Valle de Gracia en Shafter, California ( Asegúrense de visitar su sitio web que está lleno de traducciones de artículos teológicos de calidad, y también su canal de YouTube (⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠y página de Facebook (⁠⁠⁠

  • The Received Text vs Critical Text
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on May 4, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Welcome to Kingdom Polemics, where host Pastor Aldo Leon engages in a deep dive into the theological nuances of historic confessionalism within the Westminster tradition. This episode promises to enlighten and challenge your understanding of the Bible’s manuscripts and their role in shaping our translations and doctrines. Pastor Aldo is joined today by Christian Khanda, pastor of Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Fort Lauderdale, who advocates for usage of Bible translations derived from the received text.Points of Discussion:The Received vs. Critical Text: The two discuss the differences between the Received Text and the Critical Text of the Bible, emphasizing the importance of the doctrine of preservation.Inerrancy and Manuscripts: The conversation explores the concept of inerrancy in relation to the original manuscripts and the implications for modern translations.Westminster Confession of Faith: The pastors delve into the Westminster Confession’s stance on the preservation of Scripture and its authenticity.Textual Criticism: The discussion touches on the presuppositions behind textual criticism and the impact on key Christian doctrines, such as the Trinity and Christology, the begotten Son.Support the enriching discussions of Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page ( to contribute. Engage with the community and share your thoughts on KP’s YouTube page ( Your involvement helps sustain these vital conversations.

  • Acapella Objections and Issues
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on April 29, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Join host Aldo Leon in this explanatory episode of Kingdom Polemics as he delves into the nuanced debate surrounding acapella worship. With a focus on American churches, Aldo interacts with common objections, offers clarifications, and shares personal revelations that shifted his stance on the use of instruments in public assembly worship.Acapella Debate: Aldo revisits the topic of acapella versus instrumental worship, addressing objections and providing further insight.Historical Perspective: Discover how Aldo’s research into historical practices across denominations influenced his views.Scriptural Examination: A deep dive into the texts that led to Aldo’s change of heart regarding worship with instruments.Legalism Discussion: An exploration of what constitutes legalism in worship, with references to Matthew 15 and Westminster Confession.To support the enriching discussions on Kingdom Polemics, consider contributing through Buy Me A Coffee ( Your support fuels these important conversations. Additionally, join the community and share your thoughts by leaving comments on KP’s YouTube page ( Your engagement helps shape future episodes and keeps the dialogue alive.

  • Rebuking R2K Rebuttals
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on April 22, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Join Pastor Aldo Leon and his guests as they delve into the nuances of classic two-kingdom theology and its modern interpretations. This episode features a robust discussion with notable figures in the theological community, addressing common responses from the radical two-kingdom universe and exploring the Christian nation concept.Guest Speakers:Benjamin Glaser, Pastor, Bethany ARP, South CarolinaZachary Garris, Pastor, Bryce Avenue Presbyterian, New MexicoStephen Wolfe, Author, Christian Nationalism, North CarolinaHighlights:Guest Introductions: The episode kicks off with personal introductions from the guests, providing context to their backgrounds and expertise.Theological Debate: A deep dive into the various ways radical two-kingdom proponents respond to classic two-kingdom theology.Christian Nation Discourse: The conversation pivots to the idea of a Christian nation, examining historical and biblical perspectives.To further support the engaging discussions on Kingdom Polemics, consider buying us a coffee at our Buy Me A Coffee page ( and engage with the community by leaving comments on KP’s YouTube page ( Tune in to this thought-provoking episode and join the conversation on the intersection of faith and public theology.

  • Acapella, the Way of the Church
    by Pastor Aldo Leon on April 15, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Kingdom Polemics, where host Aldo Leon delves into the rich traditions and practices of church worship. In this episode, Aldo takes us on a journey through the history and significance of acapella singing in the church, revealing his personal transformation on the topic and providing a compelling argument for its place in worship today.Highlights:Postmillenial Book List: for those of you asking, Pastor Aldo provides a number of books that he recommends on the topic.Acapella Advocacy: Aldo revisits his past views on acapella worship, acknowledging a change of heart and endorsing it as the true way of the church.Historical Insight: The discussion includes a historical overview of musical instruments in worship, from the Garden of Eden to the Davidic period.Biblical Analysis: A deep dive into scriptural references and the prescriptive nature of instruments in the Old Testament.Theological Reflection: Aldo reflects on the role of instruments post-Christ’s sacrifice and the continuation of acapella praises.Support the enriching discussions of Kingdom Polemics by visiting our Buy Me A Coffee page to contribute ( Engage with the community and share your thoughts on KP’s YouTube page ( Your participation helps fuel these important conversations on faith and worship.