Saints Edified exists to edify the saints with content and resources in biblical teaching, discipleship, and evangelism. It aims to build up Christians with theology, devotion and apologetics to ultimately live a God-glorifying life. It promotes the understanding and application of theological concepts, as much as promoting godly-living and truth.
“Theology is for doxology and devotion–that is, the praise of God and the practice of godliness.” (J.I. Packer from “Concise Theology”)
This ministry was founded by Arturo Hurtado in 2011. As a young believer who was relatively new to the Reformed faith, he noticed a disconnect between having a strong zeal to understand theology and the the desire to apply these awesome truths. He also noticed that the eagerness to maintain unity amongst believers was nearly absent in these circles. This realization is what sparked the idea to start a ministry that aims to encourage believers to love God, unity, holiness and evangelism. The goal is to build up and encourage believers to learn about God (theology/apologetics), understand how to live out these truth in obedience (application/devotion), and reminding the church of the Great Commission (unity/evangelism).
Saints Edified started as a YouTube channel and soon became an online ministry over a decade ago. The intention then was the same as today – Arturo aims to provide biblical content from a Reformed perspective that edifies believers. He is currently a member in good-standing of a PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) congregation. If you would like to ask specific questions about this ministry or would like to reach Arturo, please use the Contact page.
Soli Deo Gloria.