Ben’s Blog

Ben Salazar

About Ben

Ben Salazar is a Christian husband and father and attends a Reformed church in California. He’s passionate about biblical truth being taught, defending the unborn and adoption.

  • 2nd Commandment Violations: Two Brief Arguments

    2nd Commandment Violations: Two Brief Arguments

    Recently, I had the privilege of joining an amicable discussion on the Providence Perspective channel on the topic of what constitutes Second Commandment violations. I represented the Presbyterian view, and Elias, a Reformed Anglican and host of The Reformed Berean represented the Anglican view. I boiled it down to two arguments: 1) The indivisibility of…

  • What is New Covenant Theology?

    What is New Covenant Theology?

    Recently I was a guest in my friend’s podcast The Proverbial Life (available on YouTube and all major podcast platforms as well as social media) to speak on the topic of what is New Covenant Theology. I used to hold to this system years ago, approximately back in 2018. The Lord thankfully brought men into…

  • Eucatastrophe: “And they all lived happily ever after…”

    Eucatastrophe: “And they all lived happily ever after…”

    I love J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth. I particularly enjoy a term he coined – eucatastrophe (Gk. “eu” being the prefix meaning “good”). Lisa Coultras, in her book Tolkien’s Theology of Beauty writes about this term, “This event is the reversal of a seemingly inevitable catastrophe; it is, rather, the ‘good’ catastrophe. On the brink of…

  • Memento Mori: The Wisdom of Transcendental Architecture

    Memento Mori: The Wisdom of Transcendental Architecture

    I love old buildings. Looking at the architecture of old post offices makes me wonder why builders of the past would care to build lasting, beautiful buildings dedicated to “mundane” tasks such as handling mail. Wouldn’t that be reserved for old, medieval, gothic cathedrals or government buildings? Those were days in which architects cared about…

  • Human Persons: Brief Thoughts

    Human Persons: Brief Thoughts

    God, of whom none greater can be conceived, who created the world and therefore has all authority over the creation within it, including humans, thundered from Mount Sinai in Exodus 20:13, “Thou shalt not murder.” Though people ignore God’s preceptive will all the time and murder people of all ages, including the unborn, it is…

  • Adoption: The Glory of the Gospel

    Adoption: The Glory of the Gospel

    “The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.” – Romans 8:16-17 The Holy Spirit is who we look to for assurance that…

  • Paidobautismo: un Señor, una fe, un bautismo (1er sermón)

    Paidobautismo: un Señor, una fe, un bautismo (1er sermón)

    UN SEÑOR, UNA FE, UN BAUTISMO Efesios 4:1-6 08/01/23 ~Sovereign Grace Church of Bakersfield Pastor Chad Vegas Buenos días Sovereign Grace. Si eres un visitante aquí, bienvenido. Estaremos en Efesios 4 esta mañana, Efesios 4:1-6, y consideraremos un Señor, una fe, un bautismo. Diríjase conmigo, si aún no lo ha hecho, a Efesios 4. Si…

  • John Brown of Haddington’s Purposes of Prayer and Fellowship Meetings

    John Brown of Haddington’s Purposes of Prayer and Fellowship Meetings

    John Brown of Haddington was a Scottish minister and author from the 1700s. The following are 15 purposes of prayer and fellowship meetings as found in Joel Beeke’s most excellent booklet The Family at Church: Listening to Sermons and Attending Prayer Meetings:

  • Descubriendo la confesión reformada: una serie de artículos por el pastor Chad Vegas en español

    Descubriendo la confesión reformada: una serie de artículos por el pastor Chad Vegas en español

    El pastor titular de la iglesia Sovereign Grace Church of Bakersfield, Chad P. Vegas, escribió una serie de artículos sobre su periplo desde la teología dispensacionalista a bautista a la teología reformada y presbiteriana, que fue publicada en el sitio web del Dr. R. Scott Clark, profesor en Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Concordia University,…

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