Ben’s Blog

Ben Salazar
About Ben
Ben Salazar is a Christian husband and father and attends a Reformed church in California. He’s passionate about biblical truth being taught, defending the unborn and adoption.
Toy story y la señal del pacto
<<Dijo además Dios a Abraham: «Tú, pues, guardarás Mi pacto, tú y tu descendencia después de ti, por sus generaciones. Este es Mi pacto con ustedes y tu descendencia después de ti y que ustedes guardarán: Todo varón de entre ustedes será circuncidado. Serán circuncidados en la carne de su prepucio, y esto será la señal de Mi…
Coming soon: Saints Edified Articles en español!
This article is just an announcement that many of our articles will soon be translated into Spanish, and others will be written originally in Spanish. Given that Spanish-speaking countries are predominantly Roman Catholic or charismatic, there is a clear and urgent need for more Reformed content for Spanish-speaking saints, and precious little material available for…
Words and Actions: Safely Surrendered Baby Awareness Month
Click here for more articles on adoption. On February 7th and 8th, my family and I had the great privilege to address our county’s Board of Supervisors and a press conference to share our experience adopting our daughter through the Safely Surrendered Baby Law signed January, 2006 to proclaim February, as a month of awareness…
Words and Actions: The Ancient and Present Church’s Role in Rescuing Abandoned Children
From the very beginning, the church has always sought to put 1 John 3:18 into action, “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” Here is an enlightening quote from the Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity, “The life and circumstances of children depended on their parents…
Halloween: A Christian-informed Argument
The Bible is replete with the dark realities of sin and the effects of the Fall. The creation of God that was once naturally obedient to the dominion of Adam would now withhold its fruit, and exact pain and misery in return for it (Gen. 3:17-19); childbirth would now be accompanied by great pain (3:16),…
Dante and the Moral Virtues
“Our most proper fruits are the moral virtues, because in every direction they are in our power.” Here are eleven moral virtues as summarized by Dante and as presented in Dr. Anthony Esolen’s wonderful translation of the Inferno from Dante’s Comedia (page 405, Appendix E): 1) Courage: “[W]eapon and rein to control rashness and timidity…
Bible and Plough
Jesus said to him, ‘No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’ – Luke 9:62 I defy the Pope and all his laws. . . . If God spare my life ere many years, I will cause a boy that driveth the plow, shall…
Temet Nosce: Calvin and the True Knowledge of Self
It is said that the ancient Greek maxim “know thyself” (Gk. γνῶθι σεαυτόν, Lt. temet nosce) was once inscribed in what is now the ruins of the forecourt of the temple of Apollo at Delphi. From Aeschylus, to Socrates, to Plato, and even to the Wachowski brothers’ The Matrix, this ancient aphorism at the very…
Thomas Goodwin’s Eight Remedies Against Fruitlessness
Thomas Goodwin, a Puritan born in 1600 who took over the pulpit of Richard Sibbes, another Puritan commonly and affectionately known as “the heavenly Doctor,” penned a list of eight “remedies” for the Christian to employ in the daily battle against fruitlessness. They are every bit as relevant, practical, and applicable today as they were…