Ben’s Blog

Ben Salazar
About Ben
Ben Salazar is a Christian husband and father and attends a Reformed church in California. He’s passionate about biblical truth being taught, defending the unborn and adoption.
Postmodernism: A House Built On Sand
It is commonplace to hear in day-to-day discussions between regular people the retort, “Well, that is your truth. That is not my truth.” It is the current zeitgeist: the spirit of this age. This seems to be the answer given when a position is either weakly held or there is perceived threat of refutation to…
Women’s March 2020: The March for Only Some Women
On Saturday, January 18th, 2020, “some 4,000 community members counted by the number of stickers handed out, took to the streets of Bakersfield in the event’s third year to, as organizers said, ‘celebrate the power of diverse women’”.1 The Kern County Women’s March website states, “Our mission is to bring attention to the struggles of marginalized communities…
Fight Against Abortion – Full Interview, Links, and Resources
The following is a list of resources mentioned in the Fight Against Abortion episode, and other resources added. While these are recommended/mentioned, and some contain views held by Saints Edified in part or in whole, they do not necessarily reflect the views of Saints Edified, nor is their being listed here to be construed necessarily…
On The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate/Interposition
“Use this sword against my enemies, if I give righteous commands, but if I give unrighteous commands, use it against me.” – Roman Emperor Trajan 1 This is a saying widely attributed to the Roman Emperor Trajan, as he appointed his “Master of the Horse” and handed him a sword. It is, by far, one…