
Eucatastrophe: “And they all lived happily ever after…”

I love J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth. I particularly enjoy a term he coined – eucatastrophe (Gk. “eu” being the prefix meaning “good”). Lisa Coultras, in her book Tolkien’s Theology of Beauty writes about this term, “This event is the reversal of a seemingly inevitable catastrophe; it is, rather, the ‘good’ catastrophe. On the brink of […]

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Thomas Goodwin’s Eight Remedies Against Fruitlessness

Thomas Goodwin, a Puritan born in 1600 who took over the pulpit of Richard Sibbes, another Puritan commonly and affectionately known as “the heavenly Doctor,” penned a list of eight “remedies” for the Christian to employ in the daily battle against fruitlessness. They are every bit as relevant, practical, and applicable today as they were

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