
Women’s March 2020: The March for Only Some Women

On Saturday, January 18th, 2020, “some 4,000 community members counted by the number of stickers handed out, took to the streets of Bakersfield in the event’s third year to, as organizers said, ‘celebrate the power of diverse women’”.1 The Kern County Women’s March website states, “Our mission is to bring attention to the struggles of marginalized communities

Women’s March 2020: The March for Only Some Women Read More »

Fight Against Abortion – Full Interview, Links, and Resources

The following is a list of resources mentioned in the Fight Against Abortion episode, and other resources added. While these are recommended/mentioned, and some contain views held by Saints Edified in part or in whole, they do not necessarily reflect the views of Saints Edified, nor is their being listed here to be construed necessarily

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Does Psalm 137:9 support infanticide (abortion)?

Critics of the Bible (especially pro-abortionists) attempt to discredit the Bible with Psalm 137:9, which they believe supports infanticide (or abortion). “Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!”  Psalm 137:9 We know that the Bible repeatedly forbids murder. (Mt. 15:19; 19:18; Mk. 10:19; Lk. 18:20; Jn. 8:44;

Does Psalm 137:9 support infanticide (abortion)? Read More »