The following is a list of resources mentioned in the Fight Against Abortion episode, and other resources added. While these are recommended/mentioned, and some contain views held by Saints Edified in part or in whole, they do not necessarily reflect the views of Saints Edified, nor is their being listed here to be construed necessarily as an endorsement thereof.
- Website
- Facebook page
- You can also e-mail the ministry at arksofbulrushes@gmail.com
Recommended Media:
- Pro-Life Ministry Interview with Nick Diercks from Arks of Bulrushes Ministry
- Babies Are Murdered Here by End Abortion Now
- Babies Are Still Murdered Here by End Abortion Now
- 180 Movie by Living Waters
- 7 Reasons Movie by Living Waters
- The Abortion Debate: Dr. Willie Parker vs. Dr. Mike Adams
- Pro-Life Incrementalism vs. Abolitionist Immediatism Debate : Gregg Cunningham of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and T. Russell Hunter of the International Coalition of Abolitionist Societies
- How To Answer The Hard Cases With Former Abortionist Dr. Bruchalski
- Choice 42 YouTube Channel
- Apologia Studios YouTube Channel
- Abortion Video Lecture Series by R.C. Sproul
- “When Human Life Begins” updated by Dr. Patricia Lee June, MD and originally written by Fred de Miranda, MD.
- “A Scientific View of When Life Begins” by Maureen Condic, Ph.D.
- Planned Parenthood’s 2018-2019 fiscal year report on abortions performed (page 24).
- “In Defense of Pro-Life Incrementalism” by Joe Carter.
- “We Are Immediatists: Abortion Cannot Be Abolished By Allowing It All Along The Way”.
- “Against Pro-Life Incrementalism” by Philip Jeffery.
- “Inconvenient Lives” by Robert H. Bork.
- “30,000 Doctors Say: ‘Abortion Is Never Medically Necessary to Save A Mother’s Life” by Micaiah Bilger.
- Jane Roe, et al. v. Henry Wade, District Attorney of Dallas County Supreme Court opinion.
- “Abortion and Eugenics” by Justice Clarence Thomas.
- “Abortion Is the ‘Dismembering of a Living Child,’ Supreme Court Justice Says” by Michael Foust.
- “Why You Can’t Support Abortion and Obey Jesus” by Josh Buice.
- “Podcast: The Heart of the Abortion Debate (Scott Klusendorf).”
- “We Know They Are Killing Children — All of Us Know” by John Piper
- “The Gates of Hell” by R.C. Sproul, Jr.
Recommended Websites:
- End Abortion Now
- Desiring God
- Free The States
- The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates And The Defeat of Tyranny
- The Magdeburg Confession
- Abolitionist Bills – Freethestates.org
- Abort 73
- Life Site News
- Live Action
- Who Will Stand Ministries
- The Didache: The Lord’s Teaching to the Heathen By The Twelve Apostles
- Abortion: A Rational Look at an Emotional Issue by R.C. Sproul
- Eve In Exile And The Restoration of Femininity by Rebekah Merkle
- Pro-life Answers to Pro-choice Arguments by Randy Alcorn
- Why Pro-Life? Caring for the Unborn and their Mothers by Randy Alcorn
- The Magdeburg Confession by Pastors of Magdeburg, Germany
- The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Resistance to Tyranny and a Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government by Matthew Trewhella
- The Doctrine of Balaam: A Polemic Against the Secular Pro-Life Establishment by C.R. Cali
- When Justice Is Aborted: Biblical Standards for Non-Violent Resistance by Dr. Gary North
- Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood by Dr. George Grant
- Third Time Around: A History of the Pro-Life Movement From The First Century To The Present by Dr. George Grant
- Because We Are Called To Counter: In A World of Poverty, Same-Sex Marriage, Racism, Sex Slavery, Immigration, Persecution, Abortion, Orphans, Pornography by David Platt
- The Case For Life: Equipping Christians To Engage The Culture by Scott Klusendorf
- The Hand of God: A Journey From Death To Life By The Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind by Bernard N. Nathanson, M.D.