Reformed Theology

Francis Turretin: the Command of Christ (Great Commission) Proves Infant Baptism

Infant baptism is proved: from the command of Christ.  III. (1) From the command of Christ. This was commanded by Christ, if not in so many words (kata to rhēton), yet equivalently and as to the sense: “Go ye, and teach all nations, baptizing them” (Mt. 28:19, 20). It is evident (a) because he who […]

Francis Turretin: the Command of Christ (Great Commission) Proves Infant Baptism Read More »

VIDEO: The Canon & Sola Scriptura w/ Austin Reifel (Sippin’ On Theology)

Have you ever been challenged or asked to explain how we came up with our modern Bible? Do we have enough evidence to prove that the 66-book Protestant Bible has all the right books? Who made that decision to establish the Bible? We answer these questions and much more! You will not want to miss

VIDEO: The Canon & Sola Scriptura w/ Austin Reifel (Sippin’ On Theology) Read More »

“What Does Baptism Actually Do?” By Rick Appleton (Pt. 1)

It is not uncommon for Christians to ask: “What does baptism actually do?” Often this question comes in the context of other questions such as: “Do I have to be baptized?” or “Should I have my children baptized?” In this article I will attempt to explain briefly what it is that baptism does, showing that

“What Does Baptism Actually Do?” By Rick Appleton (Pt. 1) Read More »

Temet Nosce: Calvin and the True Knowledge of Self

It is said that the ancient Greek maxim “know thyself” (Gk. γνῶθι σεαυτόν, Lt. temet nosce) was once inscribed in what is now the ruins of the forecourt of the temple of Apollo at Delphi. From Aeschylus, to Socrates, to Plato, and even to the Wachowski brothers’ The Matrix, this ancient aphorism at the very

Temet Nosce: Calvin and the True Knowledge of Self Read More »

Helping Pastor Mafabi’s Ministry in Uganda

As many of you know (if you follow us on Facebook), I’ve decided to start a GoFundMe campaign to support my friend, Mafabi Chris Omir, who pastors a Reformed Baptist church in Mbele, Uganda. You can find the campaign page by clicking this link: Like many of us in the US, he is surrounded

Helping Pastor Mafabi’s Ministry in Uganda Read More »

Infant Baptism Does Not Violate The Regulative Principle Of Worship

If there was a disingenuous category of arguments against the Reformed, this one belongs in it. Perhaps that sounds too dismissive, but I find it very difficult to believe that a fellow Reformed person, in all sincerity, can charge another Reformed person of violating the Regulative Principle of Worship (RPW) on the basis of not

Infant Baptism Does Not Violate The Regulative Principle Of Worship Read More »