
Words and Actions: Safely Surrendered Baby Awareness Month

Click here for more articles on adoption. On February 7th and 8th, my family and I had the great privilege to address our county’s Board of Supervisors and a press conference to share our experience adopting our daughter through the Safely Surrendered Baby Law signed January, 2006 to proclaim February, as a month of awareness

Words and Actions: Safely Surrendered Baby Awareness Month Read More »

Does Psalm 137:9 support infanticide (abortion)?

Critics of the Bible (especially pro-abortionists) attempt to discredit the Bible with Psalm 137:9, which they believe supports infanticide (or abortion). “Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!”  Psalm 137:9 We know that the Bible repeatedly forbids murder. (Mt. 15:19; 19:18; Mk. 10:19; Lk. 18:20; Jn. 8:44;

Does Psalm 137:9 support infanticide (abortion)? Read More »