1st Time Giveaway! Puritan Prayers & S.E. Coffee Mug

I’ve been blessed and encouraged by the amount of people who support this ministry. I thank God for making this into a reality, especially within the last several months. I would like to thank you all by conducting our first giveaway!

Please visit our giveaway page to submit entries for a chance to receive Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans by Robert Elmer, The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers by Arthur Bennett, and a 15oz. Saints Edified coffee mug!

Click the link to enter: https://kingsumo.com/g/n8i1wd/saints-edified-puritan-prayer-giveaway-15oz-coffee-mug

If you would like to support us by giving a monthly or one-time contribution, please visit our Patreon page here.

Thank you,

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